Author Guidelines


Please read carefully the JKP’s publishing system policy. The submission process of all the manuscripts in JKP's journal follows the publication's system policy in the Open Journal System (Publishing System)

The submission to JKP made online at Users need to register when accessing the system for the first time. Detailed instructions and help files are available online, if you have trouble, users can call a contact listed on or e-mail  JKP will follow up the manuscript that has been filed with precast posted on the server. The manuscript will undergo a review by a peer-review, which are as strict as manuscripts posted on a precast server. Before submitting, make sure your manuscript has been formatted according to the template. Save your file in Docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or .Doc format (older Word versions).

Type of Manuscripts

  • Articles Research/ Research Article/ Literature review

Research reports are of interest to the scientific community in the field of health will be published as a research article. A manuscript has been a well-described hypothesis, measurable results and has not been previously explored.

Papers reporting original research are welcomed between 4,000-6,000 words (from the introduction to the discussion. The number of words does not include the title, abstract, acknowledgements, references, captions or table). Please check your text carefully before you send it off, both for correct content and typographic errors. You will increase the chances of acceptance if you draw on the experience of previously published colleagues where possible. It is not possible to change the content of accepted papers during production. Research papers should adhere to recognised standards for reporting (see Guidance below - Considerations to specific types of research design).